Can anyone point me to good tutorials/documentation on the subject?
I want to add this functionality to one of my sites.
I know there are existing solutions for this, but the ones I have found
are complex, turnkey and don't really facilitate learning.
I consider myself strong in php programming and using MySQL.
But I have never used sessions or cookies, and want to learn and do it
And I am interested in the security of logins and credentials. Things
like detecting sharing of credentials and the appropriate action to
take. Also what logs to keep and how to audit them.
And, of course, having sample code for functions like creating a new
account, sending the confirmation email, handling the response. Dealing
with forgotten passwords. I don't want to re-invent the wheel, but I
don't want to have to dissect the code for, say, phpBB to see how it is
done there, either.
Thanks in advance for suggestions!
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