But those pages, when loaded, do not display any PHP errors. Only
webmaster tools is showing the function.session-start in a link to
that page. When I looked up hte meaning of session-start function, I
found others who have indicated that white space in front of the
session tag can cause this... so I eliminated it. Not sure if that
will fix as the page has never displayed an error and Google takes
forever to recrawl the whole site.
On Oct 31, 2011, at 5:44 AM, Stuart Dallas wrote:
On 30 Oct 2011, at 20:30, Rick Dwyer wrote:
Hello all.
Not sure just how much of this is PHP related, but hoping someone
has come across this before.
I Google's webmaster tools for a site I work on, they list more
than 100 crawl errors for pages with URL's as follows:
Can anyone explain why webmaster tools is seeing pages with links
ending in "function.session-start"? I read up on the error
itself... sometimes caused by whitespace before the session_start
tag... have fixed that. Any info is appreciated.
You have PHP errors somewhere on your site. The error messages
contain links that could result in those URLs. Find out what pages
are linking to those URLs and check them for errors.
Stuart Dallas
3ft9 Ltd
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