On 9/19/2011 5:08 PM, Tedd Sperling wrote:
As such, I need information regarding how wide-spread PHP is (i.e., number of installations), who's using it (i.e., companies, organizations), and how it compares with other Web Languages (i.e., ASP, Ruby, etc.).
Since it's a school, you might also want to point out Moodle
http://moodle.org/ is another example of PHP based, open source software
that is used by many educational institutions throughout Canada and
Australia (I'd assume the rest of the world as well).
By my own completely unscientific research and experience - it's very
strange to come upon a URL that ends with .aspx or .jsp. Considering
that Linux (and its variants) powers the overwhelming majority of the
Internet's web servers - it seems fair to conclude that PHP would be the
most accessible web language there is.
Best of luck breaking through the education bubble.