On 31.08.2011 11:23, Peet Grobler wrote:
Is it possible to get the actual sql that is being used to query or
update the database?>
$sth = $dbh->prepare ("update table set field=?, field2=? where id=?);
mysqli_bind_param ($sth, 'ssi', 'text1', 'text2', 10);
Something like $sth->sql? Or $dbh->sql?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Peet,
not sure if there is a method to echo the sql but you can set your
development MySQL server to log all queries to a log file.
Use the log file with tail and you'll get a live view of all queries the
server attempts to process.
Open my.cnf / my.ini and add the following line:
log= "/path/to/log/mysqld_query.log"
More info here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/query-log.html
I hope this helps ... ohh and don't forget to clear the log every now
and then because it will get HUGE quickly.
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