Hi there,
I am trying to find a solution for decoding the same string from 2
different character sets (UTF-8, Latin-1)
Looks like in the case of latin-1 I need to add utf8_encode before to
get the same results. Here is an example
// utf-8
$input = urldecode('%20%C3%9Cbersetzung%20franz');
$output = trim(($input));
$output2 = urlencode($output);
echo $input.'<br>'.$output.'<br>'.$output2;
echo '<a href="'.$output2.'">output 2</a>';
echo '<hr>';
// latin 1
$input = urldecode('%DCbersetzung+franz');
$out = trim(utf8_encode($input));
$out2 = urlencode($out);
echo $input.'<br>'.$out.'<br>'.$out2;
echo '<a href="'.$out2.'">output 2</a>';
The latin-1 seems to need the utf8-encode to get the same result. Has
anybody an idea on how to solve this? I need a function that works for
latin-1 and UTF-8.
Thank you in advance for any help,
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