Hi guys! I have now tried to take some of your hints into consideration, by encrypting the password with md5 adding a salt. As some of you pointed out, this code is the work of a newbie, that is totally correct, so please bear with me ;) I have tried to implement a cookie to remember the login for 48 hours, but it still logs the user out after the default 24min for a session like this: * //We compare the submited password and the real one, and we check if the user exists* * if($dn['password']==$password and mysql_num_rows($req)>0)* * {* * * * //If the password is ok, we set the $loginok var to true* * $loginok = true;* * //If the password is good, we dont show the form* * $form = false;* * * * }* * if ($loginok = true)* * {* * if ($remember=="on") * * setcookie("username", $username, time()+7200*24);* * elseif ($remember=="") * * //We save the user name in the session username and the user Id in the session userid* * $_SESSION('username')=$username; * * $_SESSION['userid'] = $dn['id'];* * $_SESSION['usr_level'] = $dn['usr_level'];* * * *.* *.* *.* *.* *.* *.* *}* Another problem I am now facing, is to check whether to user is logged in, and if it is the user should be redirected from the index-page(with the login-form) to its user area based on the user level(newbie, advanced or admin). For now I have written a function, in the config.php. *function loggedin()* *{* * if (isset($_SESSIONS['username']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']))* * {* * $loggedin = true;* * return $loggedin;* * }* *}* I have both tried to include the config.php into the index-page(login-form) and into the connexions.php script (where cookie is implemented). Along with this code: *<?php* * * *if (loggedin==true)* *{* * if($usr_level == admin)* * {* * ?>* *<div class="message">You have successfuly been logged in. You can now access the admin area.<br />* *<?php header("Location: index_admin.php"); ?></div>* *<?php* * }* * if($usr_level == newbie)* * {* * ?>* *<div class="message">You have successfuly been logged in. You can now access to the newbie area.<br />* *<?php header("Location: index_newbe.php"); ?></div>* *<?php* * }* * if($usr_level == advanced)* * {* * ?>* *<div class="message">You have successfuly been logged in. You can now access the advanced area.<br />* *<?php header("Location: index_advanced.php"); ?></div>* *<?php* * }* * * *}* * * *?> * * * This does not redirect an alredy logged in user to its user area... I know this is messy, but if some of you can spot some improvements that hopfully can fix my cookie and redirect problem, please let me know. Tanks a lot!