Re: concatenating

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read the manual
A comprehensive concatenation function, that works with array and strings

function str_cat() {
  $args = func_get_args() ;

  // Asserts that every array given as argument is $dim-size.
  // Keys in arrays are stripped off.
  // If no array is found, $dim stays unset.
  foreach($args as $key => $arg) {
    if(is_array($arg)) {
        $dim = count($arg) ;
      elseif($dim != count($arg))
        return FALSE ;
      $args[$key] = array_values($arg) ;

  // Concatenation
  if(isset($dim)) {
    $result = array() ;
    for($i=0;$i<$dim;$i++) {
      $result[$i] = '' ;
      foreach($args as $arg)
        $result[$i] .= ( is_array($arg) ? $arg[$i] : $arg ) ;
    return $result ;
  } else {
    return implode($args) ;

A simple example :

str_cat(array(1,2,3), '-', array('foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'bar', 'noop' =>
'noop')) ;

will return :
Array (
  [0] => 1-foo
  [1] => 2-bar
  [2] => 3-noop

More usefull :

$myget = $_GET ; // retrieving previous $_GET values
$myget['foo'] = 'b a r' ; // changing one value
$myget = str_cat(array_keys($myget), '=', array_map('rawurlencode',
array_values($myget))) ;
$querystring = implode(ini_get('arg_separator.output'), $myget)) ;

will return a valid querystring with some values changed.

Note that <?php str_cat('foo', '&', 'bar') ; ?> will return 'foo&bar',
while <?php str_cat(array('foo'), '&', 'bar') ; ?> will return array(0 =>
*t0russ at gmail dot com* 14-Jun-2005
to kristin at greenaple dot on dot ca:
thanx for sharing.
your function in recursive form proved to be slightly faster and it returns
false (as it should) when the character is not found instead of number 0:
function strnposr($haystack, $needle, $occurance, $pos = 0) {
    return ($occurance<2)?strpos($haystack, $needle,$pos):strnposr($haystack
,$needle,$occurance-1,strpos($haystack, $needle, $pos) + 1);

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