I've inherited a bunch of code and the previous developers have done two things that are really bugging me and I want to clean up. [a] They use short-tag "<?" instead of "<?php". Anyone have some good search/replace style Regex (ideally for ZendStudio/Eclipse) that will run through all the files in the project and fix those? There are lots of cases to account for such as a space after the ? or nospace or a newline or even other text (which are all valid cases). [b] The other thing they do use use register_globals in the php.ini file. Is there a good way to see all the variables that a page uses? Something I can print at the bottom of the page on my dev box - ideally with enough introspection to know where that variable originated from, and then I can start converting things to $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $_COOKIE, etc.