On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 11:44, Ron Piggott <ron.piggott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I am trying to figure out a syntax that will replace each instance of % with > a different letter chosen randomly from the string $puzzle_filler. > $puzzle_filler is populated with the letters of the alphabet, roughly in the > same ratio as they are used. > > This syntax replaces each instance of % with the same letter: > > $puzzle[$i] = str_replace ( "%" , ( substr ( $puzzle_filler , rand(1,98) , 1 > ) ) , $puzzle[$i] ); > > Turning this: > > %ECARBME%TIPLUP%%%%%%%E%% > > Into: > > uECARBMEuTIPLUPuuuuuuuEuu > > Is there a way to tweak my str_replace so it will only do 1 % at a time, so > a different replacement letter is selected? > > This is the syntax specific to choosing a replacement letter at random: > > substr ( $puzzle_filler , rand(1,98) , 1 ); I just mocked this up now, and only tested it twice. It's not the most elegant solution, and probably shouldn't be used in high-demand situations, but it should at least serve to get you started. <?php $str = '%ECARBME%TIPLUP%%%%%%%E%%'; $chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; echo multi_replace($str,'%',$chars).PHP_EOL; // Case-sensitive, random, straight replace echo multi_replace($str,'%',$chars,0,1,1).PHP_EOL; // Case-insensitive, random, randomg casing function multi_replace($str,$targ,$chars,$sens=true,$random=true,$caserand=false) { // Loop through while $targ is still found in $str while (strstr($str,$targ) !== false) { // If we're randomizing, pick the character; else the first (or only) if ($random == true && !is_null($random)) { $replace = $chars[mt_rand(0,(strlen($chars) - 1))]; } else { $replace = substr($chars,0,1); } // If we want random casing, do that; else make no change if ($caserand == true && !is_null($caserand)) { if (mt_rand(0,1) === 0) { $replace = strtolower($replace); } else { $replace = strtoupper($replace); } } // If we don't want case sensitivity, set the regexp modifier $mod = $sens == false || is_null($sens) ? 'i' : ''; // Perform the match and replace only one character now $str = preg_replace('/'.$targ.'/U'.$mod,$replace,$str,1); } // End of loop // Return the modified string return $str; } ?> -- </Daniel P. Brown> Network Infrastructure Manager http://www.php.net/ -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php