I decided to try changing the session.save_path, and I've had some
interesting results.
First I changed it to a local directory. Originally it was on a mounted
directory on our main file server. When I switched to a local
directory, everything started working fast again on the php 5.2.17 server.
So then I tried switching it to a different server mount. I set the
session.save_path to a directory mounted on our backup file server.
Once again, everything ran super fast.
So then I tried switching it to a different mount on the main file
server again. And it was back to taking at least 30 seconds to load.
So, here's where I'm at:
4 other php 5.1.6 servers are using \\server1\mnt\phpsess as their
session.save_path and are working just fine.
My new installation of php 5.2.17 takes 30 seconds to start a session
when mounting \\server1\mnt\phpsess. It also takes 30 seconds to start
a session when mounting \\server1\mnt\testSess (a newly created dir).
The php 5.2.17 server loads a session instantly when mounting
I suppose I could just change the other four servers to use server2, and
I might end up doing that, but it'd be like claiming defeat. I'd really
like to figure out why this is happening. Any suggestions?
-- Rob
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