On 18/03/2011 10:34, Richard Quadling wrote: > 2011/3/17 Lorena Monroy O. <lorenamonroy@xxxxxxxxx>: >> Hola a todos >> Tengo un formulario que tiene dos paneles (.tpl), el cual maneja variables que vienen de php con la funcion setVariable, pero en el panel del menu me carga las tildes correctamente y a la derecha me las carga como un rombo con interrogaciÃn. Manejo Firefox y probe cambiando la configuraciÃn de caracteres de UTF-8 a Occidental, pero a la izquierda se ve mal y a la derecha se ve bien. >> Si modifico en el codigo por à ahi se ve bien, pero en otros combos no... como puedo hacer que en ese tpl se vea bien sin modificarlo desde el codigo. >> Gracias >> >> Lorenita Ing. ElectrÃnica U. Bosque Ing. de Sistemas U. Bosque Especialista en Telecomunicaciones MÃviles U.Distrital >> >> >> > > Please use English. > > But translated by GMail ... > > "Hi all > I have a form that has two panels (. Tpl) which handles variables that > come setVariable php function, but I panel menu loads correctly and > the right accents to me like a diamond loaded with question marks. > Firefox and probe handling changing the charset of UTF-8 to Western, > but the left is wrong and right is right. > If I edit in the code or there is fine, but in other combos do not ... > as I can do that in the tpl look good without modification from the > code. > Thanks > > Electronics Engineer Lorenita U. Systems Engineer Forest U. Mobile > Specialist Forest U. District > " > > Are both TPL files encoded to use UTF-8? PHP will not convert the > encoding of a file automatically. > Hi, Also make sure the web server is sending out the correct character encoding. With Apache this can be done by adding the following line to the httpd.conf file and restarting the service: AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 Regards Ian -- -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php