Hello, Is it possible to pinpoint the location where the most memory was used? I log memory_get_peak_usage() in sections of my code where I believe the most memory would be consumed, but I haven't had luck with getting an accurate picture. I also log the peak usage at the very end of the code. I can see memory usage go up in places that I expected it to, but then things are pretty much flat lined. However, the peak usage at the very end shows a much higher number, sometimes it could be twice as large. I'm also tracing with xdebug. At the beginning of the trace memory starts off low, then it goes up as things are allocated. It also goes back down as things are deallocated. But never do I see the numbers as high as what PHP is reporting as the peak. It looks like xdebug traces at every step of execution, shouldn't the memory usage shown in the trace be the actual usage for every single step in the code? Why is PHP reporting that peak was much higher? Maybe I'm not understanding this stuff correctly? Thanks, daniel