No I have not. Should I? Works it different way from DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile()? Data looks like this: <tr> <td><b>Name</b> Address<b><i> Contact</i></b></td> <td class="b">ID: 3517438<br/>Category<br/>Date</td> </tr> ""Jay Blanchard"" <jblanchard@xxxxxxxxxx> píse v diskusním príspevku news:E6996B6DBDAC894FAEC7E807EE4482E308E696@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [snip] The DOM only exists in the browser, it really isn't available server-side (it is proposed). What does this data look like? Is it just strings? [/snip] Have you tried DOMDocument::loadHTML? -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: