Hello- I am trying to add create a user account with the ldap_add function. However I get the error below when it is invoked. Does anyone have ideas what may be causing this error? What I can look into? Anything would be helpful. Warning: ldap_add() [function.ldap-add]: Add: Server is unwilling to perform in C:\xampp\htdocs\Infrastructure\al_ldap.php on line 354 Line 354 is the actual call to ldap_add(). Thanks- Chuck function al_ldap_add_user($Fname,$Lname,$Aname,$UPname,$Hdir,$MemberOf,$Admin) { session_start(); $info = array(); $user = $_SESSION['username']."@dh2.pub.com"; $password = $_SESSION['password']; $iv = $_SESSION['iv'];//for decryption $key = $_SESSION['key'];//for decryption //$dn_ending = ",OU=Lab Associates,OU=Accounts,DC=DH2,DC=pub,DC=com"; $dn_ending = ",OU=Testing,OU=Accounts,DC=DH2,DC=pub,DC=com"; $obj_cat = "CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=DH2,DC=pub,DC=com"; $decryptedpw = al_decrypt($password,$iv,$key);//call decryption function to get the plain text password $FullName = $Fname . " " . $Lname; $DN = "CN=" . $FullName . $dn_ending; $ds=ldap_connect($_SESSION['ldap_addr']); // must be a valid LDAP server! if ($ds) { $r=ldap_bind($ds,$user,$decryptedpw); // prepare data $info["sAMAccountName"] = $Aname; $info["sAMAccountType"] = "805306368"; $info["cn"] = $FullName; $info["displayName"] = $FullName; $info["name"] = $FullName; $info["sn"] = $Lname; $info["givenName"] = $Fname; $info["userPrincipalName"] = $UPname; $info["homeDirectory"] = $Hdir; $info["homeDrive"] = "U:"; $info["objectCategory"] = $obj_cat; $info["objectClass"][0] = "top"; $info["objectClass"][1] = "person"; $info["objectClass"][2] = "organizationalPerson"; $info["objectClass"][3] = "user"; if( $Admin) $info["adminCount"] = 1; $N = count($MemberOf); for($i=0; $i < $N; $i++) { $info["memberOf"][$i] = str_replace("'","",$MemberOf[$i]); } // add data to directory var_dump($info); $ad = ldap_add($ds, $DN, $info); if($ad) return true; else { echo "<h4>Unable to create user</h4>"; return false; } } else { echo "<h4>Unable to connect to LDAP server</h4>"; } } -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php