Dan, you misread, I fwd'd the email, that was Richards reply to me.
You should know I don't reply to people in such a manner by now :)
Daniel Brown wrote:
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 15:41, Nathan Rixham <nrixham@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That is what you think it does?
If so quit the mail list your a fucking idiot.
That should be "you're," Nathan.
Admin wrote:
$categorys = array('home', 'services', 'gallery', 'about_us',
'contact_us', 'testimonials');
If(in_array($_GET['page'], $categories))
My guess is Richard (Buskirk) glanced at it and thought it was a
foreach() or similar loop. We've all made similar mistakes and blamed
other folks for them.
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