On 12/01/11 03:35, David McGlone wrote:
Hi Everyone, I'm having a problem validating some links I have in a foreach.
Here is my code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
my PHP code:
$categorys = array('home', 'services', 'gallery', 'about_us', 'contact_us',
foreach($categorys as $category){
$replace = str_replace("_", " ", $category);
echo "<li><a href='index.php?page=$category'>$replace</a></li>";
Validator Error:
an attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters
âome>home</a></li><li><a href=index.php?page=services>services</a></li><li><a
I have tried various combinatons and different doctypes. I'm beginning to
wonder if this code is allowed at all.
All the other replies are talking nonsense (especially Daniel ;) !
There's no reason why HTML with single-quoted attributes isn't valid, so in
principle your expected output of
<a href='index.php?page=services'>services</a>
should be OK.
The real challenge is to understand why the code fragment you have presented is
losing the single quotes: are you *sure* this is exactly what you have in your
file (i.e. have you copied it to the posted message properly) ?
Peter Ford, Developer phone: 01580 893333 fax: 01580 893399
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