Hello, I am rewriting currently a login script and I encountered a problem with sessions. While reading the two pages <http://php.net/manual/de/function.session-start.php> <http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=14636> I have not found a solution for my problem: ----8<------------------------------------------------------------------ function fncLogin($user, $pass, $redirect, $type='pam') { if ($user != '' and $pass != '') { $TEXT = "<FONT size=\"+2\" color=\"red\"><B>Error</B></FONT><br />\n"; $TEXT .= "<HR size=\"3\" noshade=\"noshade\">\n"; $TEXT .= "The username does not exist or the password is wrong.<p />\n"; $TEXT .= "<p />\n"; $TEXT .= "Please go <a href=\"" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "\">back</a> and try it again.\n"; if ($type == 'pam') { if (pam_auth($user, $pass, &$PAM_ERR) === FALSE) { fncError('2', $TEXT, $errpage='false'); exit(); } } elseif ($type == 'shadow') { $shadow_file = DIR_HOST . "/.shadow"; if (is_file($shadow_file)) { $SHADOW = exec("grep \"^" . $user . ":\" " . DIR_HOST . "/.shadow |cut -d: -f2"); if (empty($SHADOW)) { } $SALT=exec("grep \"^$user:\" " . DIR_HOST . "/.shadow |cut -d: -f2 |cut -d$ -f1-3"); $ENCRYPTED=crypt($pass, $SALT); if ($SHADOW != $ENCRYPTED) { fncError('2', $TEXT, $errpage='false'); exit(); } } else { $TEXT = "<FONT size=\"+2\" color=\"red\"><B>Error</B></FONT><br />\n"; $TEXT .= "<HR size=\"3\" noshade=\"noshade\">\n"; $TEXT .= "This is a system error. I can not authenticate du to a missing config.\n"; $TEXT .= "<p />\n"; $TEXT .= "Please inform the <a href=\"" . SYSAMIN . "\">sysadmin</a> and try it later again.\n"; fncError('1', $TEXT, $errpage='false'); exit(); } } session_register('sess_user'); session_register('sess_timeout'); $sess_user = $user; $sess_timeout = time() + 900; session_write_close(); header("Location: " . $redirect); } exit(); } ----8<------------------------------------------------------------------ which call the following page correctly, but the two vars $sess_user and $sess_timeout are empty. Can someone please tell me how to do this? Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening Michelle Konzack -- ##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ###################### Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux itsystems@tdnet France EURL itsystems@tdnet UG (limited liability) Owner Michelle Konzack Owner Michelle Konzack Apt. 917 (homeoffice) 50, rue de Soultz Kinzigstraße 17 67100 Strasbourg/France 77694 Kehl/Germany Tel: +33-6-61925193 mobil Tel: +49-177-9351947 mobil Tel: +33-9-52705884 fix <http://www.itsystems.tamay-dogan.net/> <http://www.flexray4linux.org/> <http://www.debian.tamay-dogan.net/> <http://www.can4linux.org/> Jabber linux4michelle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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