Re: Quotes vs. Single Quote

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On Aug 5, 2010, at 10:43 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Rick Dwyer <rpdwyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi List.
>> I've mentioned before that I am both just beginning to learn PHP AND I have inherited a number of pages that I'm trying to clean up the w3c validation on.
>> Something that confuses me is how the code on the page is written where in one instance, it follows this:
>> echo "<table border='1'><tr>....
>> And elsewhere on the page it follows:
>> echo '<table border="1"><tr>....
>> In what I've read and from many of the suggestions from this board, the latter seems to be the better way to code, generally speaking.
>> So given that the page has javascript in it, perhaps the reason for the previous developer switching between the two was for ease of incorporating JS?.... Don't really know... but what I would like to know is it considered poor coding switch between the two on a single page or is it perfectly acceptable?
>> 2nd question, in the 3 lines below:
>> $_SESSION['newpage'] = $newpage;
>> $checkstat = "select field from table where fieldid = $field_id";
>> $result1 = @mysql_query($checkstat,$connection) or die("Couldn't execute query");
> You could always do:
> $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT field FROM table WHERE fieldid =
> $field_id", $connection) or die("Couldn't execute query");
> a) I capped SQL verbs. Make it more readable :)
> b) why make a variable just to throw it in the next line?
> c) Make sure $field_id is truly an integer. If not, intval,
> mysql_escape_string, something along those lines. Also put it in
> single quotes if not an integer.
> d) I left double quotes in the error, because it has a single quote
> inside of it. The small micro-optimization performance you might get
> is probably not worth the readability factor.
> My general rules of thumb:
> I use double quotes if:
> a) I have single quotes inside the string
> b) I need variables to be parsed
> c) I need control characters like \n parsed
> I use single quotes always:
> a) For array indexes $foo['bar']
> b) If I don't need variable parsing, control characters, etc. why not?
> You'll get a minimal performance gain by using single quotes
> everywhere in PHP where you don't -need- double quotes, but that's a
> micro-optimization and there's probably more important things for you
> to be doing.
> For HTML, -always- use double quotes.
> <tag attribute="bar" /> is the right way.
> <tag attribute='bar' /> is the wrong way.
> I'd go into more explanation but there simply doesn't need to be one.


Well put.. exactly the type of instruction I was looking for.


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