Larry Garfield wrote:
On Thursday 29 July 2010 02:07:58 am you wrote:
Hi Larry,
Thanks for taking the time to reply, a solid insightful one at that -
kudos +1 for your opensource drupal efforts!
Good of you to mention, and indeed to see, Palinter grasping opensource
with two hands, this is certainly a very credible approach to business
which deservedly reaps good rewards; testament to this is Day Software
(including of course Roy T. Fielding) which it seems is just about to be
bought by Adobe, a big +1 for this approach; and one I hope to see more of.
With regards drupal development, there is a rather interesting chap
called Stéphane Corlosquet [ ] who does a
fair bit of committing and really pushes the semantic web / linked data
side of drupal - definitely worth keeping tabs on.
Oh I'm familiar with Scor. I've talked with him before about a project I'm
working on that is using the amorphous, ill-defined beast known as RDF. :-)
--Larry Garfield
Great re scor!
RDF's trouble is RDF/XML - it frankly sucks. N3 or Turtle makes
everything much clearer to grasp and indeed read, it's really simple at
heart yet universally powerful.
I'd recommend this little presentation [1] which covers the web from
inception through future from TimBL and shows where all the semantic
technologies fit in, and the benefits gained. 'tis a very good overall
picture imho, recommended on it's own merits not just because it
includes rdf in a few slides.
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