On 7/27/2010 12:38 PM, Andre Polykanine wrote:
Hello viraj,
As for classes, it's suggested to start a class name with a capital:
class MyBestClass {
As for functions and class methods, there are lots of people who name
them like this:
function the_greatest_function_in_the_world () {
Maybe it's readable and great, but I have a little problem: I'm using
a screenreader, so the word "underscore" (and its Russian equivalent)
is too long for me. So I prefer
function TheGreatestFunctionInTheWorld () {
However, just discussed it with my wife. She prefers the same method
as me, though she doesn't use any screenreading software for
Hello All
First thanks for all suggestions, I find some document from 2003 year
and plane to use this standard everybody who what can see on next link
Best Regards
Jovanov Jordan
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