Hi I followed the examples mentioned in ldap functions pages at www.php.net<http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=www.php.net&usg=AFQjCNHoc0Ba_1Imkk_33DysfxCk38dNag>. But I am getting only the attribute names and not the values stored in attributes array. Can some one give me some tips to fix my issue. Here is my configuration. Apache/2.0.59 HP-UX_Apache-based_Web_Server (Unix) DAV/2 PHP/5.2.13 on HP-UX 11.11 and php is using OpenLDAP, vendor version 20122 Here is my php code. ========================================================== <?php // First program written for testing Microsoft AD Authentication // Written by Madhu Kangara on 07/16/2010 $host = "secldapwest.gsm1900.org"; $myLogin = "gsm1900\\mkangar"; $myPass = "password_here"; $resource = ldap_connect($host) or die("Could not connect to AD Server."); // PHP will connect to server on the port 389 // Then you have to authenticate with an AD user to access to his information. if ($resource) { //Authentication to the AD with a windows login, password //$bind = ldap_bind($resource, $myLogin."@".$host, $myPass); // binding to AD server $bind = ldap_bind($resource, $myLogin, $myPass); // verify binding if ($bind) { echo "AD bind successful<br>\n"; //$dn contain information asked by Windows server to browse the correct AD tree. $dn ="OU=User Accounts,DC=gsm1900,DC=org"; $filter="sAMAccountName=mkangar"; $justthese = array("surname","mail","memberof","name","givenname","sn"); $sizelimit=15; // limit to maximum 15 return rows $result = ldap_search($resource,$dn,$filter,$justthese,$sizelimit); $result = ldap_search($resource,$dn,$filter,$justthese); $info = ldap_get_entries($resource, $result); var_dump($info); echo "<br>\n"; echo $info["count"]. " entries returned<br>\n"; echo "first surname entry " . $info[0]["surname"][0]. "<br>\n"; echo "first mail entry " . $info[0]["mail"][0]. "<br>\n"; echo "first memberof entry " . $info[0]["memberof"][0]. "<br>\n"; echo "first name entry " . $info[0]["name"][0]. "<br>\n"; echo "first givenname entry " . $info[0]["givenname"][0]. "<br>\n"; echo "first sn entry " . $info[0]["sn"][0]. "<br>\n"; echo "DN: " . $info[0]["dn"]. "<br>\n"; echo "Number of attributes in 0th entry " . $info[0]["count"]. " <br> \n"; for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"];$i++) { for ($j=0;$j<$info[$i]["count"];$j++) { echo $info[$i][$j].": ".$info[$i][$info[$i][$j]][0]."\n"; } } } else { echo "AD bind failed<br>\n"; } ldap_close($resource); } // end of if ($resource) ?> ================================================ Here is the output from webpage. You can see that it is not displaying the values. What am I doing wrong. Do I need to perform any configuration settings in ldap.conf file at my side? =============================================== AD bind successful array(2) { ["count"]=> int(1) [0]=> array(2) { ["count"]=> int(0) ["dn"]=> string(93) "CN=MKangar,OU=Data Center Ops,OU=Systems Operations,OU=COS,OU=User Accounts,DC=gsm1900,DC=org" } } 1 entries returned first surname entry first mail entry first memberof entry first name entry first givenname entry first sn entry DN: CN=MKangar,OU=Data Center Ops,OU=Systems Operations,OU=COS,OU=User Accounts,DC=gsm1900,DC=org Number of attributes in 0th entry 0 ===================================================