At 4:56 PM +0100 7/15/10, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 15:38 +0000, Carlos Sura wrote:
> So, I'm wondering, is there any other way to avoid put code in
every page? or... another way to avoid that kind of error.
Common logic for a login is to use an include file that does this:
1. Is user logged in? Yes: goto 5. No: goto 2
2. Have login details been submitted through form or other? Yes:
goto 3. No: goto 4
3. Are login details correct? Yes: goto 5, No: goto 4
4. Show login form & stop
5. Show/redirect to app page
(apologies for the hard to follow list, but I just realised I don't know
a good way to show a flowchart in plain text!)
Flowchart? How about:
1. Is user logged-in?
No, go to logon.php
Nothing else needs to be done to protect any page.
This is accomplished by simply placing at the top of each protected page:
<?php session_start();
Of course this requires the OP to place this code on each page he
wants to protect, but that's a small price to pay for security and
ease of implementation.
The auth.php script only checks IF the user logged-in via a security
variable. For example:
if ($_SESSION['security'] != TRUE)
header('location:logon.php'); // redirect to login script.
// else user is permitted to pass
If the user is logged in, then the user is permitted to travel to
whatever scripts that contain the require(auth.php); statement.
The login script in turn simply asks for the user ID and PASSWORD. If
these are correct (via a db or file lookup), then the login script
sets the security session variable to TRUE else it defaults to FALSE.
Keep in mind that the only job of the login script is to set the
security session variable to TRUE -- it is loosely coupled. Likewise,
the authorization script is only concerned with the setting of the
security session variable -- it is also loosely coupled. Both of
these provide a good security solution.
EOP (End of Problem).
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