On 26 June 2010 13:14, Gary <gpaul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Richard > > Please accept my apology in that my response was sent directly to you and > not the group, I hit 'Reply" instead of 'Reply to Group'. > > Gary No problem. Here is an example of my code using the RMail script from phpguru.org. It was previously known as html_mime_mail5. <?php // Create a new message. $o_Mail = new RMail(); // As we are going to use SMTP to send the email, we need to know where to send it. // On my setup, the SMTP ini setting is what I'll be using. // You can also supply any SMTP AUTH settings needed here. $o_Mail->setSMTPParams ( ini_get('SMTP'), 25, Null, registrySettings_V2::read(registrySettings_V2::REG_SMTP_AUTH_LOGIN_REQUIRED), registrySettings_V2::read(registrySettings_V2::REG_SMTP_AUTH_LOGIN), registrySettings_V2::read(registrySettings_V2::REG_SMTP_AUTH_PASSWORD) ); // Set the From header $o_Mail->setHeader('From', '"Richard Quadling" <RAQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>'); // Some other useful headers. // $o_Mail->setHeader('Return-Path', '"Return to me" <ReturnToMe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>'); // $o_Mail->setHeader('Return-Receipt-To', '"Delivery Receipt" <DeliveryConfirmations@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>'); // $o_Mail->setHeader('Disposition-Notification-To', '"Read or Delete Notification" <Disposition@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>'); // Add the subject. $o_Mail->setSubject($s_Subject); // Add the HTML with a location of the images to be added to the email automatically, rather than relying on internet to provide images // which is blocked by various security levels of Outlook. $o_Mail->setHTML($s_HTMLMessage, 'D:/Global Web Documents/images/'); // Let's add an attachment. // The filename, the mime type, the encoding and the file name to show the attachment as. $o_Mail->addAttachment(new fileAttachment('D:/Uploaded/content.zip', 'application/zip', new Base64Encoding(), 'YourContent.zip')); // If you want to keep copies of your emails, then setCc is the method to use. $o_Mail->setCc('RAQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'); // Finally, send the email to the recipients (held in an array to allow for multiple addresses) using SMTP. $o_Mail->send(array('"Your recipient\'s name" <your_recipient_email@xxxxxxxxxx>'), 'smtp'); ?> -- ----- Richard Quadling "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!" EE : http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_248814.html EE4Free : http://www.experts-exchange.com/becomeAnExpert.jsp Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731 ZOPA : http://uk.zopa.com/member/RQuadling -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php