Hi, new symptoms... So, I have following: 1. created rsa keys - tested over ssh command - on remote server is public key renamed to authorized_keys, on local machine i have both keys 2. rights on local machine: -r-------- 1 radek wheel 1675 23 led 2007 radek -r-------- 1 radek wheel 229 24 crv 10:05 radek.pub 3. rights on remote machine -r-------- 1 radek wheel 402 Jun 26 2006 authorized_keys 4. script ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php $methods = array( 'kex' => 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', 'hostkey' => 'ssh-dss', 'client_to_server' => array( 'crypt' => '3des-cbc', 'mac' => 'hmac-md5', 'comp' => 'none'), 'server_to_client' => array( 'crypt' => '3des-cbc', 'mac' => 'hmac-md5', 'comp' => 'none')); $connection = ssh2_connect('test.starnet.cz', 22, $methods); if (ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($connection, 'radek', '/home/radek/.ssh/radek.pub', '/home/radek/.ssh/radek')) { echo "Public Key Authentication Successful\n"; } else { die('Public Key Authentication Failed'); } ?> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. result of script php pokus.php Assertion failed: (session->userauth_pblc_method_len == _libssh2_ntohu32(pubkeydata)), function userauth_publickey, file userauth.c, line 982. Abort trap: 6 (core dumped [obraz pameti ulozen]) 6. if i use method ssh-rsa, i got message written in latest e-mail 7. both computers are FreeBSD, php from fresh ports 8. connection to Mikrotik over password (I cant use it there) withou problem (with this methods of course): $methods = array( 'kex' => 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', 'client_to_server' => array( 'crypt' => '3des-cbc', 'comp' => 'none'), 'server_to_client' => array( 'crypt' => 'aes256-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes128-cbc', 'comp' => 'none')); What I have wrong? Thank you Radek -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php