On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 21:49, Shreyas <shreyasbr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > PHP'ers, > > I am reading a PHP book which explains foreach and at the end says : *'When > foreach starts walking through an array, it moves the pointer to > the beginning of the array. You don’t need to reset an array before > walking through it with foreach.'* > * > * > *Does this mean - * [snip!] An easy way to think about it: foreach is cocky and doesn't give a damn about the rules array functions or placements have set in place. It'll start from the beginning, and to hell with everyone else. In other words: foreach will iterate wholly; it will count *for* *each* key in the loop, not just where another portion of the code left off. -- </Daniel P. Brown> daniel.brown@xxxxxxxxxxxx || danbrown@xxxxxxx http://www.parasane.net/ || http://www.pilotpig.net/ We now offer SAME-DAY SETUP on a new line of servers! -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php