Hello, I've got a form with three fields that are not required for proper completion of it, ending month, day, year fields. If a user enters nothing no problem, but if those form fields are entered I need them validated. They have to be in the correct format YYYY-MM-DD date format and that value also has to be greater than the starting date validated previously. I've got some not working code. Thanks. Dave. // if an ending date field was entered validate that // also must be greater than the starting date values if(!empty($_POST['month1']) && !empty($_POST['day1']) && !empty($_POST['year1']) { $month1=$_POST['month1']; $day1=$_POST['day1']; $year1=$_POST['year1']; $date_value1="$year1-$month1-$day1"; } if(!checkdate($month1,$day1,$year1)) { echo "Invalid Date.\n"; } else { echo "Entered Date is correct.\n"; } } if(!checkdate($month1,$day1,$year1)) > $date_value { echo "Invalid Date.\n"; } else { echo "Entered Date is correct.\n"; } -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php