Lester Caine wrote:
Robert Cummings wrote:
Lester Caine wrote:
Robert Cummings wrote:
Dan Joseph wrote:
Are any of you using any of the php accelorators such as Zend,
Ioncube, or
any others? Any idea which is the "best"?
I am partial to eAccelerator for *nixes. And wincache for Windows.
eAccelerator works fine for me ... on linux and windows ...
I don't recall that eAccelerator works with PHP FastCGI in a windows
environment -- the recommended configuration for PHP in a Windows
That may be what people are trying to ram down our throuts! But I have had
eaccelerator running on PHP5.x for many years without any problem and I do not
intend changing that configuration for anybody. I have a matching setup on my
linux servers as my windows servers and will maintain that even if it does mean
ditching PHP5.3 in production ;)
I use FastCGI and the NTS version of PHP in Windows because that is the
configuration recommended by PHP on their website. After experiencing
the instability of PHP as relates to the module version in Windows
(using eAccelerator at the time), I switched to FastCGI NTS as
recommended and then had to hunt down an appropriate accelerator.
Wincache was in beta at the time and worked very well. As such it is my
recommended accelerator for Windows since it works with PHP FastCGI and
works well.
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