tedd wrote:
At 1:02 PM -0400 5/22/10, Robert Cummings wrote:
tedd wrote:
If that is all (i.e., removing double linefeeds), then this will do it:
$text_array = array();
$text_array = explode("\n\n", $input_text);
$output_text = implode("\n",$text_array);
Sorry tedd, this is broken. It doesn't solve problems with runs of
greater than 2 newlines which is even in the example :) I would use
the following instead which is also line break agnostic with final
output in the style for your system:
$data = preg_replace( "#[\r\n]+#", PHP_EOL, $input );
It's not broken according to my "given", which was "If that is all
(i.e., removing double linefeeds), then this will do it:" My code
does exactly what was stated.
Actually, his comment didn't say double line feeds... his comment said I
want THIS to look like THAT. And THIS had a triple line feed and THAT
completely normalized it to a single line feed. I realize you
misunderstood the problem, but where I work, clients don't think a
solution based on incorrect presumptions is a valid solution for a
clearly defined problem :)
I did not catch there were more than
two linefeeds in the OP's problem. Doing more was something I did not
Also, the solution you provided works better this way: :-)
$input = preg_replace( "#[\r\n]+[[:space:]]+[\r\n]+#", "\n", $input );
$input = preg_replace( "#[\r\n]+#", PHP_EOL, $input );
$input = trim( $input );
Doh, what's funny is I fixed it in my test script but had already pasted
into my email and forgot to update that *lol*. Good catch!
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