Hi, I'm trying to insert a serialized data into mysql, but I does mysql_real_escape_string() before inserting it. INSERT IGNORE INTO `table` (`value`) VALUES ('a:3:{s:12:"F1";s:6:"nombre";s:11:"F2";s:5:"F3";s:16:"F4";s:10:"F5";}'); it result in INSERT IGNORE INTO `table` (`value`) VALUES (\'a:3:{s:12:\"F1\";s:6:\"nombre\";s:11:\"F2\";s:5:\"F3\";s:16:\"F4\";s:10:\"F5\";}\'); and of course it's not a valid SQL sentence. Why can't I escape an SQL value with " ??? Regards. I.Lopez. _________________________________________________________________ ¿Quieres conocer trucos de Windows 7? ¡Los que ya lo usan te los cuentan! http://www.sietesunpueblodeexpertos.com/index_windows7.html