On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 7:31 AM, Michael N. Madsen <mnm@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Since php started to support oop it has moved more and more features in > that direction. > This is good for me because I love oop. Then came _autoload() and I was > rejoiced only to find that this (no fun)ction can't be used to it's fullest > potential in oop unless I have all the files in the same directory. This is > where you correct me and tell me how I can have a file structure in more > then one level and still get the ripe juices of _autoload() (Please, I beg > you!) > umm ok ill correct you.., theres no requirement to have files in a single directory. php gives you the name of a class and you are responsible for finding the file where the class lives and load it. > I have looked at the comments on the doc page of the function and every > single one comes with the addition of many, often complex lines of code that > will only add more load on the server. actually, autoloading typically reduces load on the server b/c only the files you actually need for a given request are loaded on demand. this in contrast to requires/includes for every possible class that could potentially be needed to fulfill a given request. > If _autoload can't figure out the correct path to the file which defines > the class, then what is the point from an oop pov? see above; its a speed boost, and typically folks prefer not to bother include/require files atop ever class the define; those are the 2 main benefits. -nathan