I have a problem with IE7. It has a tendency to cache output produced
by PHP. It occurs in a few ways:
* I make a minor change to a php program, but you can't see it in
IE7, but can in FF. CTRL-Refresh does not make it work.
* I modify data using a form in IE7. When I click on a link to
return to the form the old data is still there, but if I hit
CTRL-Refresh the new values are there.
I have set up some caching to try to fix the second issue, but I'm not
sure if I've chosen the right header lines:
$now = time ();
$prety_lmtime = gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s', $now). ' GMT';
$prety_emtime = gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s', $now + $interval). ' GMT';
// Backwards Compatibility
header ("Last Modified: $prety_lmtime");
header ("Expires: $prety_emtime");
// HTTP/1.1 Support
header ("Cache-Control: private, max-age=$interval,s-maxage=0");
I got this code from a book. I don't want to prevent caching completely
because I want to be able to go back to the form when there is an error
in validation of fields before entering it into the db. But I do want
to be able to see the new data after it is entered in the db.