At 10:34 AM -0400 4/30/10, Paul M Foster wrote:
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 05:34:38PM -0400, tedd wrote:
> Please critically review my example.
This thread came up before, and tedd's solution was the least complex,
as far as I could tell. I shamelessly stole his code and regularly use
it in my own projects. ;-}
Thanks for the plug.
All the code I provide on this list and on my various web sites is
for free for anyone, except for "governments" (i.e., local, state,
federal, other), to use, review, and/or comment as they wish without
any obligation to me. Oh, as for "governments" if you want a copy of
anything please contact me directly, I have a few forms for you to
fill out.
The point of sharing is to improve product -- agile works.
My livelihood is not compromised because someone is using a small
snip-it of mine. Hopefully my real code (the stuff I sell to clients)
is more involved and has more value than that.
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