Gary . wrote:
On 4/28/10, Thijs Lensselink wrote:
Gary . wrote:
class Pg_Error
private static $errors =
array(INTEGRITY_CONST_UNIQUE => 'uniqueness constraint violated');
Shouldn't this be:
array(self::INTEGRITY_CONST_UNIQUE => 'uniqueness constraint violated');
Yes, or something very like it. See Message-ID:
That message is about defining the class constant. Which is done.
But later on it is called as a normal constant. Not a class constant
Besides the fact that it should throw a notice. It also makes sure
Pg_Error::$errors looks a bit different then expected
array(1) {
string(30) "uniqueness constraint violated"
This makes Pg_Error::getMessage(23505) always return string(0)"" which
equals false....
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