At 12:21 PM -0400 4/19/10, Ernie Kemp wrote:
Need help with reCAPTCHA. Never installed it before.
When Submit is clicked the "quoterequest-redirect.php" is run but I think it
would be better to test the reCAPTCHA before the "quoterequest-redirect.php"
program has been run.
I check the CAPTCHA in "quoterequest-redirect.php", it displays a invalid
message if invalid but the user has to tab back to fill in the CAPTCHA
The reCAPTCHA show correctly but I need some help/hints/tips here.
Ernie :
There's nothing complicated here. You don't need to get public and
private keys or other such complications. A CAPTCHA is as simple as:
What is 2 + 2?
What is the color of an orange?
Answer correctly and you pass. If not, then you don't.
The purpose of a CAPTCHA is simply to keep bots out and allow humans
to pass. If you base your CAPTCHA on a strange graphic, then you keep
visually impaired users out. That's not good.
Here's an assortment of CAPTCHA's, but I think the Question CAPTCHA
is the best.
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