Need help with reCAPTCHA. Never installed it before. When Submit is clicked the "quoterequest-redirect.php"
is run but I think it would be better to test the reCAPTCHA before the "quoterequest-redirect.php"
program has been run. The reCPATCHA show correctly but I need some help here. Thanks very much again, ..../Ernie *********************************************************** <form action=""
method="post" > <td> <?php // call the lib..
require_once('recaptchalib.php'); // Get a key from $publickey =
"6LeGhwwAAAAAADNm2bEIkxzNHXIjpAlGYJ5NCYju"; $privatekey =
"6LeGhwwAAAAAAFbi37aANuHliCnZ-_jg3uN8N7oh"; # the response
from reCAPTCHA $resp = null; # the error code
from reCAPTCHA, if any $error = null; # was there a
reCAPTCHA response? if
($_POST["submit"]) {
$response = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey,
$_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if
($response->is_valid) {
echo "Yes, that was correct!";
} else {
# set the error code so that we can display it
echo "Eh, That wasn't right. Try Again.";
} } ?> <?php echo
recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error); ?> </td> <input type="submit"
name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> |