On 04/03/10 05:42, Nathan Rixham wrote:
Php Developer wrote:
Hi all,
I want to be able to have an array of elements of different types. As an example: the first element is a boolean, the second is an integer, and the thirs is a string.
In php there is no typing, i'm just wondering if there is a way to have that, it would be a lot better than having an array of strings and have to convert each element.
var_dump( array( true , 12 , "php already does this" ) );
array(3) {
[0]=> bool(true)
[1]=> int(12)
[2]=> string(21) "php already does this"
Yeah. But this feature of PHP is a boon if used carefully and a curse if
careless. You can get AMAZING results if you're not careful to check the
data types ;)
Nilesh Govindarajan
Site & Server Administrator
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