Hi Nathan, By factoring each data providing source (which could even be a single sql > query) in to scripts of their own, with their own URIs - it allows you to > implement static caching of results via the web server on a case by case > basis. My web framework automatically builds in REST-ful calls that return the markup for a dynamic page region. For instance, on the homepage for my framework (http://nephtaliproject.com), you can view the resulting markup for the "Sites using Nephtali" by visiting the URL http://nephtaliproject.com/index.php?nmode=htmlfrag&npipe=sites Same thing for the blog entries: http://nephtaliproject.com/index.php?nmode=htmlfrag&npipe=announcements This makes ajax work really easy, as you can see in the code generator pages I've built for the framework (http://nephtaliproject.com/nedit/) Additionally, this has a performance advantage over using javascript to retrieve one particular section of a page, as my mechanism short-circuits and only processes the dynamic region requested. I'd played with processing the dynamic regions in my pages in parallel (and caching) in the past using a mechanism that didn't use the same connection for the http requests in the manner you described. I utilized the built-in REST-ful calls for each dynamic region, as having the REST calls built right in makes this quite easy. But, alas, the performance wasn't that great. So, yes, I'd like to see the class that implements multiple http calls with one connection, if you'd be so kind ;) Maybe I'll fiddle with the parallel processing again. Thanks, Adam -- Nephtali: PHP web framework that functions beautifully http://nephtaliproject.com