Re: how to do cloud computing with php

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On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Yousif Masoud <yousif.masoud@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Rene Veerman <rene7705@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi..
>> As a way to take a few steps back from the kinda heated "when will php
>> grow up and support threading" thread, i'm requesting you people list
>> how you scale from 1 server to many servers; what's called cloud
>> computing.
> Interesting definition of cloud computing.
> There is a book called "Building Scalable Web Sites" by Cal Henderson.
> I recommend you take a look at Chapter 9: Scaling Web Applications,
> particularly the following sections:
> The Scaling Myth (particularly the subsection "What is Scalability?")
> Scaling PHP
> I quote "As PHP has gained more acceptance as a serious language, there's
> still been a significant camp of people claiming that it can't scale.
>  Clearly, this isn't the case." page 212.

ok, i'm gonna take a look at that book then.

> It would be very helpful if you tell us what you've read, tried or
> considered?


i'm knowledgeable about coding for 1 to 2 machines; 1 php, 1 (my)sql.
i can cache output/results at various levels for re-use.

my main concern atm is my own cms (50-100k lines of my own); it's
graphics-heavy, does fairly complicated db based logic, and if it ever
is to be used for a site like facebook, it'll get large dataflows that
have to be distributed over the servers used to generate html and
accessoiries for end-users.
i've built a layer into it that caches the output of oft-used pages
(like articles and their comments).
but adding many comments / minute to an article would result in quite
a bit of overhead, to update the html for that page and distribute it
(fast enough) to the relevant servers.

i'm worried about php's single-threaded nature; each request has to
fetch html updated in the last few seconds, or generate it from a list
of comments. that's also a big query from a big table for every
end-user.. :(
i'd rather keep them comments for an article in shared memory.....

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