daniel@daniel-laptop:~$ php test.php> /dev/null
Error 1
Error 2
daniel@daniel-laptop:~$ ./src/php-5.2.12/sapi/cli/php test.php> /dev/null
Error 1
Error 2
well, using php-cli instead of php-cgi, this finally worked:
fwrite(STDERR, "test\n");
But why doesn't it work with php-cgi? That's a binary that is called
with the php-file is parameter the same way as php-cli. So both come
with STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR contrary to scripts running through mod_php.
What is the real difference between php-cli and php-cgi? This
"fclose(STDERR);" is really important for one customer, because this is
seems to be the only way to suppress later output to STDERR in the same
script by external commands and functions that are too hard to change.
But I don't want to break things for all other customers just to make
one happier.
Can the STDERR constands be enable somehow at compile-time for php-cgi?
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