On 22.03.2010 17:47, John Tamm-Buckle wrote:
Hi all,
I'm storing generated data as a post in wordpress using the wp_insert_post
function, which works great. Users click a "submit" button and the things
are saved, hurrah!
However, on clicking the submit button I want to automatically navigate to
the post. This has been less successful. I've tried using:
header('Location: /?p=' . $postId);
In this case, where $postId = wp_insert_post($generated_text), and
$generated_text is the object that saves the output to a post.
Now when I try to save I get the following error:
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started
at /Users/sv/source/wpm/public_html/wp-content/themes/mystique/header.php:6)
in */Users/sv/source/wpm/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpm/wpm.php* on
line *64*
Line 64 contains the "header('Location: /?p=' . $postId);" line.
What's on line 6 from file
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