we have a strange problem here:
- Our ISP is merging STDERR and STDOUT to STDOUT
- We are calling a non-builtin function within PHP 5.2 which includes a
lot of code and calls a lot of other functions
- When calling this function, we receive the output "Cannot open " on
STDERR. But since STDERR and STDOUT are merged, this "Cannot open "
breaks the required HTTP-header which needs to be sent first.
We really tried a lot to find out where this message comes from, we even
used strace and ran PHP on the command line. But we cannot figure out
the origin, so all we want to do is to get rid of the output sent to STDERR.
We tried to close STDERR, but it didn't work out.
We thought of using ob_start() and ob_end_clean(), but we cannot get it
working with STDERR. Any ideas?
Kind regards
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