Re: any reason *not* to use PEAR DB module when accessing mysql?

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Robert P. J. Day wrote:
  (just a warning -- as a relative newbie to PHP, i'll probably have
the occasional dumb question.  just humour me.)

  i'm looking at some existing PHP code that accesses a mysql 5.0 db,
and it's coded using the mysql-specific calls:  mysql_connect,
mysql_select_db, etc, etc.

  is there any reason i *wouldn't* want to rewrite that code using the
more general PEAR DB module, and use mysqli?  certainly, as i read it,
using the PEAR DB module would make it easier down the road if i
suddenly decide to change the DB backend.

  anyway, any compelling arguments for or against?

Well, the reason you shouldn't use PEAR DB in a new project is that it's 
being deprecated. MDB2 is the PEAR successor, and does provide emulation 
for some features that don't exist on all database platforms, such as 
LastInsertID. It can also help you convert your database from one 
platform to another, since it also provides methods for detecting and 
managing the database structure itself (the Manager and Reverse modules).
That said, if I were to start a new project at this time, I would look 
closer at whether PDO fits my needs.


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