Op 3/11/10 2:44 PM, Mike Roberts schreef: > I have tried and tried, countless times to be removed from this list... > still when I go to my deleted items I can see that emails leak through. > If there is an administrator who can simply delete me ( simply because I > can not seem to do this correctly) I would greatly appreciate it. Thank > You! > > > > no there is not (really!), either search the archives, search php.net look at the bottom of any of the email sent via the list or check the email headers of email sent via the list - any one of those will give you a way out. but that probably is a bit of a technical challenge, so try this: send a blank email to php-general-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx using the email account you are subscribed to the list to. all things being equal you should recieve a message saying either that you've been removed or that you need to confirm the removal (which means either replying once more to that message or clicking a link). PS - it's generally considered bad form to reply to someone else's thread rather than send a new message when you're not engaging the current conversation. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php