TerryA schrieb:
Hi Shawn
Thanks for answering my query. I have looked at the suggestions:
$xml = simplexml_load_file('file.xml', 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
I am/was able to load the file OK and to access the data by iteration.
However, I can't find a way to extract data by attributes. I need something
like $string=<element idtype="11" lang="fr" label="Description - Etage">.
Obviously, that won't work but that's the result I need. How do I get the
data out of one of these elements by specifying its idtype and lang? I've
google for hours on this and for another hour on SimpleXMLElement.
Hi Terry,
look at the PHP.NET documentation. There indicates the use of
simpleXMLElement structures. If you want to extract elements from this
object, please read there how this work. By the way, it would be
interesting to see, how your XML is made. May be is usefull to use
another class like DOM.
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