On Mon, 01 Feb 2010 00:51:39 +0000, ash@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ashley Sheridan) wrote: >On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 11:28 +1100, clancy_1@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: ............................. > >Don't use Dreamweaver then :p > >Joking aside (Dreamweaver is a very capable editor, although it is quite >large for simple find and replace tasks) how were you performing the >find and replace? Regular expression replacements will be much slower, >although it shouldn't account for quite the speed hit you saw. For >simple tasks like that, I'd recommend Notepad++. It has code >highlighting and folding, regex find/replace features, and a slew of >other bits that make it a very good editor, and it's very speedy to >boot. I was doing a simple replace: "," with ; As I mentioned, I use Dreamweaver both its editing and its file managing capabilities, and as I spend a lot of time programming it is nearly always open, so it gets used for odd jobs like this (which it usually does very well). However there is definitely something seriously wrong with its implementation of this feature. After reading some of the other comments I thought I should try the same thing again this morning, while the computer was fresh. I did the same job on the same file. The screen was refreshed after each line was completely processed, and for the first few lines the cursor ran quite quickly down the screen. But by line 130 it had slowed to about 1line per second, and last time by the end it was taking more than five seconds to do each line. I didn't bother to let it run to completion, but I did look at the results log. This had a new line for every replacement-- 10 lines of log for each line of the original file. I expect this is the explanation for the initial slow performance but I can't understand what they have done to make it slow down as it progresses -- unless they start searching again at the beginning of the file after each replacement? Given the cumbersome error logging this is just conceivable. I have had it crash once or twice after I have opened a lot of files (usually after I have searched the whole folder for every reference to a variable a number of times), but generally I have found quite reliable. One feature which I find really annoying is that if you tell it to search a folder for a particular variable name, it doesn't seem to be possible to tell it to only search certain directories, and certain file extensions. If Notepad++ offered this feature I would certainly be tempted to try it. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php