What is it you want to do?
Do you want to create a client for RSYNC, or maybe rsync to AmazonS3
<http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/007641.html> (which is
admittedly hard), or maybe use something like rsnapshot
<http://www.rsnapshot.org/> to have rsync + snapshot functionality,
which is great when you get a whole heap of corrupt data that gets
sync'd across, you can go back to an old snapshot instead of loosing
Michael Kubler
*G*rey *P*hoenix *P*roductions <http://www.greyphoenix.biz>
Mobile : 0433483008
I believe in a better world. I support the Zeitgeist Movement
Jens Geier wrote:
as sugestet i tried backup by using RSYNC.
It is working fine.
But i have some more Questions for this software.
Is here some one that can help me with it?
Kind Regards
Jens Geier