Here is a snippet of code that is going to be the death of me: ------------------------------------------------------------ // Create a new project $projectcode = strtoupper(addslashes($_POST['projectcode'])); // project code // Make sure the project code is unique if (!$existingproject = mysql_query("select * from pb_versions where projectcode like '".strtoupper($projectcode)."'")) { die ("Could not check for existing project code!<br />".mysql_error()); } $numprojects = mysql_num_rows($existingproject); if ($numprojects > 0) { $pid = mysql_result($existingproject,0,"versionID"); header("Location:managebudget.php?e=1&pid=$pid"); } ------------------------------------------------------------ Now, even if $numprojects is 1, 2, 3, etc., the header() command is not executed. Strangely, a header("Location") command later on in the script *is* executed. I've output the value of $numprojects, so I know that it's greater than 0, so the command header("Location:managebudget.php?e=1&pid=$pid"); *should* be executed... but it isn't. (Weirdly, if I put a die() command *after* this header() command, it works... but it seems pathologically inelegant to do so.) Obviously, I'm missing something incredibly basic. Can anyone help me figure this out? -- Richard S. Crawford (rscrawford@xxxxxxxxxxxx) Publisher and Editor in Chief, Daikaijuzine (