On Jan 12, 2010, at 1:57 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
Depends on how you're creating running the query. You could do
something like:
echo mysql_result($result, 1, 'fieldname');
Where $result is your result object and 1 is a 0 indexed array, so
would be the second result.
Thanks Ryan, Ashley & Kim for the good techniques...
- in my case I was trying to pull a random record from a query of
Table1 - then do a 2nd query from 1st so
mysql_result worked fine for my needs like:
... do query 1... 'cur' - SELECT id FROM myTable1
$ran = rand(0, $totalRows_cur - 1); // pick random rec row within
total count
$pick1 = mysql_result($cur, $ran); // get the ID from the choice -
(like id=252)
... do query 2 // where relatedID = $pick1 of myTable2
cool - THANKS ALL!
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