dealtek@xxxxxxxxx wrote on 12/01/2010 22:52:
I did a query... then I display records like:
<?php do { ?>
<td><?php echo $row_cur['tid']; ?></td>
<td> </td>
<?php } while ($row_cur = mysql_fetch_assoc($cur)); ?>
Q: but how I i just display a particular record with out the do / while
Just use extract($row_cur); before the table starts. That would give you
first row only
Another approach could be to add " LIMIT 1" to the end of your SQL statement
like just the 2nd record only:
i tried
<?php echo $row_cur['tid',2]; ?>
but this makes an error....
or $row_cur('tid',2) --- hmmm what's the syntax?
Getting only second row, but not the first? That would be using a count
var and show only data if count == 2
do {
if($count == 2) {
echo '
<td>'. $row_cur['tid'] .'</td>
<td> </td>
} while ($row_cur = mysql_fetch_assoc($cur));
Another thing: drop the do and use this syntax instead, it's more readable:
while ($row_cur = mysql_fetch_assoc($cur)) {
if($count == 2) {
echo '
<td>'. $row_cur['tid'] .'</td>
<td> </td>
Kind regards
Kim Emax -
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