viraj wrote:
hi all,
i'm trying to write a wrapper function for "mysqli_stmt_bind_results".
and expect it to work the same way it accepts and bind results to the
original function.
the problem is, i couldn't find a way to pass the args by reference
via func_get_args and register the out put from call_user_func_array
to the caller scope.. any idea?
here goes few lines which i'm trying hard for past 48 hours.. with no luck.. :(
class stmt {
private $stmt;
public function bind_result() {
$argsToBindResult = func_get_args();
$argList = array($this->stmt);
$argList = array_merge($argList, $argsToBindResult);
call_user_func_array('mysqli_stmt_bind_result', $argList);
$stmt->prepare('SELECT name,email FROM users WHERE id = ?');
.. ..
echo $name,$email;
You're out of luck for using the func_get_args() call. The following
method (albeit a dirty method) works:
function bind_stuff( &$arg1, &$arg2=null, &$arg3=null, &$arg4=null,
&$arg5=null, &$arg6=null, &$arg7=null, &$arg8=null, &$arg9=null )
for( $i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++ )
${'arg'.$i} = 'bound'.$i;
bind_stuff( $name, $email );
echo $name."\n";
echo $email."\n";
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